What I do

branding, web, print, illustration, photography

Hey! My name's Brendan and I'm a graphic designer, illustrator and painter from Boston, Massachusetts. My philosophy on design there is no single template or trend that can answer every question. Each problem is as unique and independent as the demographic it seeks to serve, and working from project to project from the point of view of various end users gives me a very diverse skillset. Rather than focusing on my own personal style, I always think about what is the best way to solve whatever problem I am faced with.

I am fluent in the Adobe Creative Suite as well as HTML/CSS. My work mixes my knowledge of and experience with photography and illustration, both analog and digital, with extensive knowledge of modern and classic typography. Although it represents a small amount of my body of work, I also have substantial experience with storyboarding and video/audio editing in Adobe After Effects and iMovie.

Who I am

musician, researcher, problem solver, human

As far as my personal life goes, my hobbies include playing piano and guitar, as well as pick-up soccer. My interests include sports, US history, economics, architecture, and jazz piano, all of which influence myself as a person and a designer. I am always open to learning new techniques and practices to grow as a designer.