HIV/AIDS & the Economy of Africa

web interface & print booklet

"Understanding HIV/AIDS and its Economic Impact on Africa" is an interactive interface and supplementary booklet presents a critical analysis of topics dealing with the AIDS epidemic in Africa.

The intent of the of the interface is to convince individuals of the importance of supporting AIDS research and providing medication and information to the people of African nations. It is my belief that only by aiding developing nations can they become self-sufficient participants in global trade.

my role

research, page layout, text design, text editing, vector illustrations

Ten Things Booklet Cover
Ten Things Booklet Cover

HIV/AIDS & the Economy of Africa

web interface & print booklet

"Understanding HIV/AIDS and its Economic Impact on Africa" is an interactive interface and supplementary booklet presents a critical analysis of topics dealing with the AIDS epidemic in Africa.

The intent of the of the interface is to convince individuals of the importance of supporting AIDS research and providing medication and information to the people of African nations. It is my belief that only by aiding developing nations can they become self-sufficient participants in global trade.

my role

research, page layout, text design, text editing, vector illustrations


Table of Contents Page
Table of Contents Page

Opening Spread
Opening Spread

Human Infographics Spread
Human Infographics Spread

Africa as an IPR Consumer
Africa as an IPR Consumer